Corebolics Creatine (Creatine + Electrolyte) (Unflavored, 150 gm, 50 Servings)

Corebolics Creatine (Creatine + Electrolyte) (Unflavored, 150 gm, 50 Servings)

Rs. 999
Rs. 700.00


Creatine functions to increase the availability of cellular ATP, adenosine triphosphate. Muscular contractions take place in the presence of ATP. An increase in creatine levels is thought to increase the force of muscle contractions. Creatine works by acting on mechanisms of ATP by donating a phosphate on to increase the availability of ATP, which increases muscle energy and delays muscle fatigue. Supplementing with creatine can boost muscle size, strength and endurance, improve athletic performance and speed muscle recovery. 

The combination of electrolyte salts and creatine is actually centered around the creatine transporter SLC6A8 - a member of the “solute carrier family” that is dependent on sodium and chloride - two crucial electrolytes that are needed for creatine to access its transporter. So, by providing these key electrolytes - you’re also supporting more efficient transport of the creatine you’re consuming.


LOADING PHASE: In order to reach full muscle phosphocreatine saturation within a week -1 scoop is to be taken at 4 intervals throughout the day mixed with water, juice, or beverage of choice for a total of 5-7 days.

MAINTENANCE PHASE (Non-loading): 1 scoop (1 serving) is to be taken daily with water, juice, or beverage of
choice - best consumed post-workout. This regimen can achieve full muscle phosphocreatine saturation within
about 30-days.


  • Don’t consume if you are suffering from kidney dysfunction, cardiac / hepatic diabetes.
  • Not recommended for children under 18 years of age.
  • Consult a doctor/ physician if you are suffering from suspected medical
    conditions like diabetes, hypoglycemia etc. or you are taking any other medication.
  • Keep the container in a cool, dry place and away from direct sunlight.